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Article: How to Reduce Postpartum Weight Gain

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How to Reduce Postpartum Weight Gain

In today's world, many women worry about their body shape, figure, and wardrobe during and even before pregnancy. Concerns about postpartum weight and fitting into favorite dresses are common. The good news is that it's possible to regain your pre-pregnancy figure with knowledge, action, and patience. Let's start with the essential information.

Understanding Postpartum Weight Gain

During pregnancy, a woman's weight typically increases by 10 to 12 kg (22 to 26 lbs). Immediately after delivery, 5-6 kg (11-13 lbs) is usually lost. The remaining 6-7 kg (13-15 lbs) requires effort to shed.

During the lactation period, mothers need more calories as they provide complete nutrition to their baby through breastfeeding for the first six months. Therefore, the focus for the first 45 days postpartum should be on feeding the baby and resting.

Managing Postpartum Stress

Stress can contribute to weight gain. For the first 45 days, focus on your newborn's health and nutrition. Enjoy the bonding time with your baby, which can help reduce stress. Watching your baby grow and thrive can be a great source of joy and motivation.

Tips to Lose Postpartum Weight

1. Eat Only When Hungry: Although your body needs more calories, it's essential to manage your appetite. Consult with an Ayurvedic doctor about treatments like Agni Deepan to improve digestion.
2. Increase Digestive Power: Mix ginger, jaggery, and ghee and consume it before meals to enhance digestion.
3. Drink Warm Water: Use only warm or hot water for drinking.
4. Eat Hot and Fresh Food: Ensure your meals are freshly prepared and warm.
5. Walk After Meals: Light walking for 10 to 15 minutes post-meal aids digestion.
6. Start Yoga: Begin yoga five days after a normal delivery and 30 days after a cesarean. Gentle stretches and movements can be done even on the bed.
7. Practice Pranayama: Start pranayama (breathing exercises) three to four days after a normal delivery to calm the mind and improve milk production.
8. Massage Your Baby: Daily baby massages and performing small tasks for your newborn can help you stay active.
9. Breastfeed: Breastfeeding can burn 600 to 800 calories a day.
10. Weight Training: Use household objects for simple weight training exercises like lunges and chest presses.
11. Use Digestive Aids: After meals, consume a mukhwas mix (sesame seeds, dill seeds, ajwain, coconut, black salt, fennel) to aid digestion.
12. Structured Meals: Have two main meals a day—lunch at 10 am and dinner at 6 pm. Include vegetables, dal, rice, and whole grain rotis. Avoid fried foods, heavy sweets, non-vegetarian dishes, and outside food. Start the day with a dry fruit laddu and have a bowl of kheer made from cow's milk at tea time.
13. Nighttime Snacks: If hungry at night, opt for liquid diets like moong soup, multigrain soup, vegetable soup, traditional juice, pomegranate juice, or milk with asparagus.
14. Stay Alert and Active: Keep yourself engaged and attentive to avoid unnecessary eating.
15. Be Patient: It takes 6 months to a year for the uterus to return to its normal size. Enjoy the journey of motherhood and give your body time to heal.
16. Use an Abdominal Belt: An abdominal belt can help control food intake and support your muscles.
17. Ayurvedic Massages: Regular oil and powder massages, along with steam treatments, can help burn excess fat and maintain health. Ayurvedic massages for the mother are recommended for the first two months postpartum.

By following these tips and being patient, you can effectively reduce postpartum weight and enjoy the journey of motherhood. For more information and tips, visit SageAbay and explore our range of Ayurvedic products designed to support new mothers.

Written by Dr. Vaidehi Deodhar

Ayurvedic Gynecologist and Garbhasanskar consultant

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